Lab retreat 2022: Aare river

Sep 12, 2022
Lab retreat 2022: Aare river

This weekend we had our Lab retreat 2022, a moment to celebrate our friendship! It was also a special moment to say goodbye to Max and Marco. Max finished his post-doc in our lab and is moving to the U. of Tübingen, while Marco successfully finished his Master’s project with us and will soon pursue a PhD.

Our adventure this time was going down the Aare river in a boat (like rafting but more chill), from Thun to Bern. We discovered Vitor’s great abilities as a rower and Iris’s swimming skills.

The Mullon group in the boat

After that, we had a lovely dinner in Bern, where we gave to Max and Marco a few souvenirs and encouraging words for their next advantures. You both will be missed in Lausanne!!